• He stopped the storm, brought calm, and the waves died down. They rejoiced that they had calmed down, and the Lord led them to the desired harbor. Psalm 107. 29, 30


    A boat, in silence,

    Vogue on an azure lake ;

    Slowly, she advances,

    Under a calm and pure sky.

    But suddenly the wind rises,

    Chasing a black cloud,

    And the waves it raises

    Shake, because it's evening.

    Great then is the distress

    Distraught travelers ;

    Great is also their weakness,

    Their faith no longer supports them.

    But there is one who watches

    On them all, although asleep.

    Ah! Will we have to wake him up ?

    Isn't he their dear friend ?

    Master, are you therefore insensitive ? - You see, we are perishing !

    Any miracle is possible for you, - Save us, we beg you !

    He immediately approaches them, - Then he says to the wind : Shut up !

    And tenderly their reproach - For having had so little faith.

    So often in life, - The storm darkens our hearts,

    Although for us Jesus prays, - Ready to calm our terrors.

    Let us count more on his tenderness : - His heart cannot change ;

    Of his distressed sheep - He is still the shepherd.

    Source (The Good Seed)

    your comment
  • Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. Ephesians 5. 2

    Where sin abounded, grace abounded. Romans 5. 20


    You loved me, my God, before the light

    Shine on the universe that your voice has formed,

    Before the sun awoke on the earth

    All that was sown to you in our humble dust.

    Already, my God, you loved me ! My God, you loved me !

    You loved me, my God, on this day of anger.

    Where Jesus on the cross died for my sin.

    For me, he surrendered himself, to remove my misery,

    And his forgiveness has freed me from all bitter guilt.

    Through him, my God, you loved me, my God, you loved me!

    You loved me, my God, the day for your glory

    Jesus appeared alive, risen.

    With him, I will live, carried by his victory.

    It is my reason to hope, my joy to love, to believe.

    In him, my God, you loved me, my God, you loved me !

    You will always love me Neither Satan nor the world

    Your love will never stop the course.

    Where evil abounded, grace abounds.

    Permit, Lord, that throughout the days,

    My whole heart answers you

    And that I love you directly, you who still love me.

    F. Chavannes and P. Junod

    Source (The Good Seed)

    your comment
  • If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. 1 John 1. 9


    Come to the forgiving,

    Come, you who no longer hope ;

    It is to the unfortunate that he gives himself,

    He wants to save all the lost.

    His blood shed for the world

    Can only clear and whiten

    This sin that deep sea

    Could not wash or cover.

    Come to the One who raises,

    Come, you who fall so low ;

    If salvation seems like a dream,

    It is up to you that He extends his arms.

    To the sinning sinner,

    He gives divine forgiveness,

    The brigand at the last hour

    Do not implore his grace in vain.

    Come to Him who comforts,

    Come ! He knows your pain,

    He knows by his holy word

    Soften or dry the crying.

    He knows all our tears,

    Because he suffered first.

    As he shed tears

    He also knows how to wipe them.

    E. Henchoz

    Source (The Good Seed)

    your comment
  • Why are you looking for the living among the dead ? He is not here, but he is risen. Luke 24. 5, 6

    Where is, O death, your sting ? Where is your death, O death ? 1 Corinthians 15. 55


    At the tomb, early in the morning,

    Three women ran,

    Seeking, full of sorrow,

    Their master disappeared.

    To these three imploring hearts,

    An angel of the Lord

    Dressed in a white garment

    Say, do not be afraid !

    Looking for the Crucified,

    But he's not here,

    Because he is risen,

    As he had promised !

    Neither soldiers, nor rock, nor seal,

    Nothing could remember

    Jesus in the cold tomb,

    God has brought it out !

    At the call of the Son of God,

    All the saints asleep,

    With glorious bodies,

    Live like him.

    Death no longer has a sting,

    The sepulcher is vanquished !

    With happiness, we sing :

    Glory to the Lord Jesus !

    (adapted from Mr. Thorens)

    Source (The Good Seed)

    your comment
  • (Jesus says) : I leave you peace I give you my peace ; I do not give you, as the world gives. John 14. 27

    The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4. 7


    May peace, like a river, accompany my steps,

    Or that the waves grow and break on me,

    Whatever your hand sends me, you taught me to say :

    All is well, O Jesus, all is good for my soul.

    May Satan harass me and let sorrows abound,

    I will always have this firm assurance

    May Jesus Christ have seen my immense misery

    And shed his blood to redeem my soul.

    Sin - oh, that weight that was oppressing my heart !

    My whole sin - blessed thought -

    The cross is nailed, and my burden is gone.

    All the days of your life, bless God, O my soul !

    For me, to live is Christ: be it my motto.

    And if the great waters want to overwhelm me,

    No terror for me: in life or death

    You whisper your peace to the secret of my soul.

    What I'm waiting for, Lord, it's you, it's your coming !

    For my purpose is in heaven, and not in the grave.

    The trumpet of the angel, the voice of my Savior,

    Are the happy hope and the peace of my soul.

    Lord! Haste this day : faith changes into sight ;

    The clouds go away like mist in the sun ;

    The trumpet sounds and the Lord comes down !

    All is well with Him ! Rejoice, my soul !

    Free translation of an English poem - Horatio Spafford

    Source (The Good Seed)

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