• Invitation

    If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. 1 John 1. 9


    Come to the forgiving,

    Come, you who no longer hope ;

    It is to the unfortunate that he gives himself,

    He wants to save all the lost.

    His blood shed for the world

    Can only clear and whiten

    This sin that deep sea

    Could not wash or cover.

    Come to the One who raises,

    Come, you who fall so low ;

    If salvation seems like a dream,

    It is up to you that He extends his arms.

    To the sinning sinner,

    He gives divine forgiveness,

    The brigand at the last hour

    Do not implore his grace in vain.

    Come to Him who comforts,

    Come ! He knows your pain,

    He knows by his holy word

    Soften or dry the crying.

    He knows all our tears,

    Because he suffered first.

    As he shed tears

    He also knows how to wipe them.

    E. Henchoz

    Source (The Good Seed)

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